1923-08-30 Special " 169 . . . Okeeohobee" Florida, August 30, 1923 Pursuant to oall of JlayorOonely the 01 ty Oouncil of Okeeoho- bee" Flor1da met ln speoial sess1on at.g o'olook'p~ m. on the 'above date and the following - were present: Thos. .~ Oonely" ;'r." Kayor,,' Hi H. DeYarman" President.. Oounoilmen: F. W . Hampton" L. K. . . Raulerson and Albert Berka with R~ P. Fletoher" Olerk"and L:j~ Jennings and,fJ;t.. Jennlngt' 01 ty Attorneys ln attendan~e. Motlon ....,<; made by Oounollan Hampton that Oouncil resoind. )'1: ' the ~t10n p&. SS8.d ~ the OOl1l1OU at the jegul&r' aeetmg 'on 'August . 21" 1923 accepting the report of G. r. Parker relat1ve to the Street Paving Llens collected by him, and said m~t1on was seconded , ' ~ by Councilman Berka and passed by unanimous vote. . !loti,on was made by Oounoilman Berka that, the Oity Qlerk be . directed to enter 1n the Sewerage Lien Book one third ot t11e cost of the sewerage improvements based on the cost of the sewerage l1ne Qonstructed in 1923'" be1ng the amount chargeable to the a'buttlng ~ ' lots or parcels of land as fixed in Ordi.nance I'o~ 60,,' and said mot1on was seconded by Oouno1lman Raulerson and passed by unanimous vote~ . . Jlayor 00ne11 8Ub~ tted a report to the Oounci1 on the propess be1ng _de .. ~he p~oposed changes in. the streets and parks of .,j Okeechobee.' . : Kot1on was ade by Oounoilman Hampton _di duly seconded and carrled that the Peoples Bank and Bank of Okeechobeè be required to 'f~18h surety bonds to the amount of 110,,000:'00 each payable .., It to the 01 ty of Okeechobee~' Upon JlU)tlon the Council adj ourned~ . y~ -to ~:.. . .. . . '. , . . ""'1