0554 Water and SewageORDINANCE NO. 554 • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 18 PERTAINING TO WATER, SEWERS, AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL; AMENDING SECTION 18-22 WHICH PROVIDES FOR MONTHLY RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE; PROVIDING FOR A MONTHLY SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGE FOR WATER SERVICE; AMENDING WATER CONSUMPTION RATES; ADDING PROVISION FOR'CHARGES TO MASTER METERED CUSTOMERS; ADDING PROVISION FOR CHARGES FOR SPECIFIC MISCELL- ANEOUS SERVICES REGARDING WATER AND SEWER SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR PENALTY FOR ILLEGAL USE OF WATER SERVICE AND DAMAGE TO UTILITY PROPERTY AND METERS; AMENDING SECTION 18-48 WHICH PROVIDES FOR SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION FEES AND INSPECTION FEES; PROVIDING FOR MONTHLY SEWER SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGES; AMENDING SEWER USE FEES BASED UPON VOLUME OF WATER CONSUMED; ADDING PROVISION FOR CHARGES TO MASTER METERED CUSTOMERS;•AMENDING SECTION 18-31 WHICH PROVIDES FOR WATER DELIVERED THROUGH FIRE HYDRANTS ON TEMPORARY BASIS; AMENDING RATES CHARGED FOR WATER DELIVERED THROUGH FIRE HYDRANTS; PROVIDING FOR PENALTY FOR UNAUTHORIZED TAKING OF WATER FROM FIRE HYDRANT; REPEALING SECTION 18-29 WHICH PROVIDES FOR TEMPORARY DISCONNECTION FROM WATER SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. idO~'; :"'HEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA as follows: Section I: Section 18-22 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Okeechobee, Florida is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 18-22. Monthly rates-ane~-ehere3es-establiskeel- Service Availabilit Char es and Consumption Rates. Any user of the services of the waterworks system shall pay therefore, a monthly service availability charge and consum tion rate as follows: (a) Inside cit imits mater-rates- (1) 5/8 x 3/4-inch meter 63-59-manth} +-ta A $ 3.10 (2) ~ r ; BA-eta}lens- 1-inch meter______________ -$8-~5-mentk}p-tar-l_AA9-e~al}ens- 7.75 (3) 1~-inch meter-------------- 6}~-59-x~enthl}~-ter-},-99A-gal}ens: 15.50 (4) 2-inch meter-------------- $~BrAA-mentkly-ter-lr6AA-ga}lens 24.80 (5) - 3-inch meter______________ S56-AA-mentY~lp-tar-l-6A9-e}allens- 49.60 Rates-ane~-xteter-ehergea-fer-meters- tn-exeess-et-3-inehes-wl}}_be negetlated- (6) For- aII-weter-used-in-addition- te the-abe~e-train}~t~~ns-the-felleWing ehargest Next-~T9AA-gallens---6}-65-per-thensand gallens- Next-S;gAg-ga}}ens---$}-8A-per-thet~sasd gal}ens- X111-water-used-rn-excess-a€-8T9AA- gellens---~~-AA-per-tHet~saRd-ga}leRS- 4-inch meter 10 77.50 (7) 6-inch meter_______________ (b) Outside city limits Water-ratesT (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) $155.00 5/8 x 3/4-inch meter 1-inch th~p-€er-l;ABA-gal}ens- meter _ _ $1A-93-x~enthlp-€er-l-ABA-gal}ens; 1~-inch meter $~}-8~-menth}p-€er-}:ABA-gel}ens;--- 2-inch meter S35-AA-nlentl~}p-€er-}-ggg_ga}}ens---- 3-inch meter 4-inch nthlp-fen-}-AAA-gal}ens:i~ates-and-meter-eY~erges=€er-meters-tn- e~ceess-e€-3-tnekes-Nl}}_}9e_negetlatee~- Fen-a}}-Hater-used-in-adept#en-to-the- abe'~e-~int~1e~+s-the-€e}laming-ekerges-- Next-~=BAA-gallen9--$~-A6-per-thet~sanel gal}ens- Next-5;@@@-ga}}ens--$~-~5_per-tket~eanel- ga}}ens- A}}-Nater-ttseeZ-in-exeess-a€-$;AA@-ga}}ens 8~-5A-per-tket~sane~-ga}}ens- meter--------------- 3. 88 9.70 19.40 31.04 62.08 6-.inc meter- 97.00 (c) Master metered customers- per livin unit or ad (mobile home or travel,, trailer ark Inside ciy limits--------- Outside ci 3.10 tv limits--------------- 3.88 (d) The Service Availabilit Char es listed above shall a l to all sin le-famil , multi-famil master-metered and com- mercial units or ads where occu ie or not. Service Availabilit Char es shall be due and a able each month commencing on the issue date of a Certificate of Occupancy. A Service Availa ility Charge shall a 1 to each meter if more than one meter is installed for a single unit. (e) In addition to the monthly Service Avail- abilit Char e, all users of the services 11 of the waterworks shall a the following rates or water consume : Inside city limits 1.70 pc 1,000 gallon Outside city limits------____ 2-.13 0 0 0 Section 2: Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances of the Okeechobee, Florida is hereby amended b City of new Section 18-70 which read as follows: adding a "Section 18-70. Miscellaneous Service Fees and Penalties. Char es, (a) Meter test at customer's request - Service Char e• Inside Outs (1) Test results showing meter cit' city reads high________________ (2) Test results showing meter NO CHARGE reads correctly or below: 8 Sc 3/4 meter 25.00 31.2~- meter 1_ ' meter------- 2_._ meter----------- All others----___ - (b) (c) Meter re-read at customer's request- Service Charge:- 1 Discrepancy of 10,000 gallons or (2) Dlscre~ancy of less than 1 NO CHARGE gallons 0.000 Insi e city limits Outsi e city 10.00 y emits---______ Discrepancies o ess than 10,000 ga ons o not warrant a meter - re-rea since t e excess consumption ,,led to customer W1 even out wit t e next regu ar meter rea ing. Removal of jumper or other illegal ~YPass - Service C arge: A Jumpers, i e g b of er fittings g YPasses or rev ces connecteapttorttescio-r ty waterwor s system, erect y or in irect y, in suc a manner as to vre ent any meter insta e for registering water rom registering t e quantT of water w lc of erwlse wou pass t rough the same, or in suc a manner as t co onsume, wit out t e consent of t e City Waterwor s Department, water rom t e City Waterwor s System wit out suc consumption eing r- eq er- e by or passing t roug a meter prove - e or t at purpose, s a at t Fe customer s expense. T eemoov ow- ng service c arg es s a e ma i or suc remova . e Meter size: Inside 5/ w-x-7T City limits meter $ 5 meter----_ 1 1 2 meter-_-__-_____~ meter--------------- 20006 All other---___-_____Set by Dir. P Pub.' Outside city limiy, -5T-7 5-- 175-.m TV--5u 25 00 lic utilities ~cr Develo er chan in meter from one location to another witho ut nermissio Works De artment---- n of Water- Service Charge: Inside city limits______________ Outside city limits----___-_ e) Miscellaneous services not included above or re air of dama e to utilit property - charge Inside city limits: Actual cost of materials and labor rt-cLuired. plus administrative char e of 15.00 or 15.0$ of mater- ials and labor whichever is reater. Outside city limits (utilit proper t located outside city limits.): Same as for inside city limits plus 25.0 of total. 100.00 125.00 Inside Outs;c city cite 35.00 43. 50.00 T2 75.00 93. Set by Dir Public utiliti section 3: (A) Section 18-48(a) of the Code of Ordinance of • the City of Okeechobee, Florida is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 18-48. Connection fees, service avail- ability charges, consumption rates and inspection: fees. (a) Established. There are hereby established sanitary sewer connection fees, sanitary sewer inspection fees, sanitary sewer aser-fees, service availability charges, consum tion rates, sanitary sewer system capacity c arges, and a sanitary sewer system trust fund to provide revenue for the payment of operation and maintenance expenses for the plant and the collection systeme to provide revenues for the payment of principal and interest on monies borrow- ed to construct the system and revenues for routine renewal, replacement and expan- sion and enlargement." (B) Section 18-48(c)(2) of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Okeechobee, Florida is hereby amended as follows: "(c) Schedules. (2) Sanitary Sewer user-fees- service avail- ability charges. The fges esta lis ed herein for use, or availability for use, of the area - wide wastewater treatment system shall be payable by each and every dwelling unit, ad (mobile home or travel trailer ark), usiness esta lis - ment, church, hospital and every other type of private or public building, struc- ture or activity providing sewage and/or waste. i. Dwelling unit: A house, apartment, group of rooms or a single room occupied or intended for occupancy as seperate living quarters. Seperate living quarters are those in which the occupants do not live and eat with any other person in the struc- ture, and which quarters have either: (i) direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall; or (ii) complete kitchen facilities for the exclu- sive use of the occupants. ii. Multiple dwellings: Structures occupied or intended for use as living quarters, containing more than one dwelling unit, not to include hotels, motels, or similar living quarters which do not contain dwel- ling units as defined herein. Residences: Structures occupied or intend- ed for use as single-family living quarters, containing no more than one dwelling unit. • na` iv. Pads: Spaces, hook-ups, or facilities • intended for use or used as locations for individual mobile homes or travel trailers w is are occupied or intended for use as living quarters V. All others: Structures occupied or in- tended for use as a business establish- ment, church, hospital and all other types not classified as a dwelling unit or residence. a. Monthly Service Availability Charge Residential All meter sizes. Inside City limits------------- $ 8.95 Outside city limits 11.19 b. Monthly Service Availability Charge - Commercial. Inside City 1imits• 5/8 x 3/4 inch meter------------------ 1 inch meter------------------------------------- 1 inch meter----------------------- 2-inch meter__________________________ 3 inch meter------------------ 4 inc meter_______________________ 6 inch Outside City limits: 5 x 3 4 inch meter----------------------------- 178 inch meter--------------- 1 inch meter 2 inc meter------------------- " inch meter------------------------ 4 inch meter inc meter-------------------------- c. Monthly Service Availability Charge Master Metered Customers. Per living unit or pad (mobile home or travel trams er ark): Inside City limits-------__ u-tside O Cit lim ts________________ d. The Service Availability Charges listed above shall apply to all single- ammulti- amily, master metered and commercial units or ads whether occu- pied or not. Service Availabilit Charges shall be due and paya le each month commencing on t e .issue date o a Certfi.icate o Occupancy. A Service Availability Charge shall apply to each meter if more than one meter is installed or a single unit. (C) Section 18-48(d) of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Okeechobee, Florida is hereby amended to read as follows: (d) Sewer-ttae-€ees---Sewer-rase-€ees-€ei--the ineerperated-seetieae-e€-the-201-€aeilities panning-afea-shall-be-based-ee-velume-ef water-used-eaeh-FRexth-threegh-the-water :etete~-at-the-mates-set-€e~th-helew- fi}--Sewer-mates---Saeh-et~stetae~-eeaseeted-te • the-eityLs-sewer--systeFR-shall-he-billed et-the-rate-et-twe-eleila~s-aed-€e~ty-nine 8. 95 22.38 TT-. -7-5 67 143.20 447.50 11.19 27.98 55.95 179.04 279.75 T5-9-.-TU 8. 95 11.19 L • Sewer Consumption rates. Each user of the sanitary sewer and or wastewater collection and treatment system shall be billed monthly at the followin rates, based on the volume of water use each month throu the water .peter. (1) Inside city limits: Residential - per 1,000 gallons, to a maximum of 10,000 allons---------- $ Commercial..- per 1,000 gallons Master metered customers - per 1,000 gallons, to a maximum 0 10,000 gallons per unit or pad------- (2) Outside city limits: Residential - per 1,000 gallons, to a maximum of 10,000 allons---------- Commercial - per 1,000 gallons Master metered customers - er 1,000 allons, to a maximum 0 10,000 ga ons er uni.t or ad---_-_- ~2 3) Customers without water meter service. In the event a sewer customer, (building or premises) is discharging sewage, water or other liquid wastes into the city's sewer facilities and using water supplied on other than a metered basis from a private water supply then in each such case the owner shall be required by the city to cause a water meter or other measuring device to be installed acceptable to the city, and the quantity of water used as measured by such meter shall serve as a basis for determining the sewer charge, and pending installation of such meter, rates and charges shall be based upon an estimated quantity of water used." Section 4. Section 18-31 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Okeechobee, Florida is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 18-31. Connections to fire hydrant for purposes other than fighting fires. (a) All connections to a fire hydrant for any pur- pose other than fighting fires shall be approv- ed by the director of public works. (b) Where water is delivered through a fire hydrant meter on a temporary basis, the applicant shall agree that such service may be discontinued by the city forces at any time for emergency usage of the fire hydrant without any liability to the city whatsoever for such discontinuance of supply and the applicant shall pay a fee accord- ing to the following schedule: • (1) The charges for temporary water service delivered through a fire hydrant meter shall be as follows: 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.80 2. 80 2.80 c a---A-ser~lee-eharge-e€-€}tty-elellars b---A}}-`+eter-usage-will-be-ehargeel-at the-rate-a€-ene-ale}lar-~$}-9A}-per ene-theusar~d-~l-AAA}-gallons; e---A-eharge-ef -t~ae~cty-€lve-~lellars- ~$25-99}-eaeh-tlme-the -meter -is releeated;-- d---All-removal-e€-meters-shall-be elene-by-the-etty-€erees-anal-i€ removal-by-other-than-eity-€ereesT a-per~a}ty-eharge-e€-ene-ht~adred- elellars-{s1A9-08}-shall-be-lr~eurred- by-the-party-doing-se- Inside Outside City City a. Service Charge---------------- 500 62.50 b. Consumption - per 1,000 gallons------ 2.00 2.50 C. Meter relocation - per move---------- 25.00 31.25 d. Removal of meter by other than city forces------------------ 100.00 125.00 (All removal of meters shall be done by city forces. Any other part removing a meter shall incur the above c arge. e. Penalty for unauthorized taking of water from hydrant-in addition to consumption charge consumption to be estimated by director of public utilities-------------------- 300.00 375.00 (2) Charges for unmetered fire protection service will include service to priv- ate hydrants sprinkler systems, hose cabinets, standpipes or any other device used exclusively for fire pro- tection. The annual Monthly Service Availability charge for unmetered private ire protection shall be as follows: Service Diameter in Inches ARRual- Monthly Amount Inside city Outside city 4 inch service 6 inch service 8 inch service 10 inch service Section Section 6. $59-69 25.00 $ -75-99 31.25 -199-99 50.00 159769- 62.50 269769 100.00 369769 125.00 469796 200.00 Section 18-29 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Okeechobee, Florida is hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. 69A-96 250.00 Introduced on first reading this 20th day of August , 198 5 MAYOR 0 D R. Al TEST: t BONNIE S. 'HOMAS, CITY CLERK Passed on second and final reading this 3rd day of September , 198 5 OR OAKLAND R. ATTEST: BONNIE S. HO , CITY CLERK L tr-