1923-07-17 Regular
Okeeohobee, norida, ,Julf10, 1923.
" Pu1"suau't to adjoumment the Oity 00tUlci1 of Olteechòb,ë, r10r-
tela. met in special .'8sion at ~.èØ o'cloôk p. .; on the a'boTe elate'
8Ln4 the following ..re present: th08. W~ Oone17, Jr., 1I&70r, B. B.
Detaz.an, P1"e8i4ent, Ocnmoi1tá- Albert Berka. L. M. Ba~e8OD.,
r. w. Hampton and B. O. Adams with R. P. ",ietche, Olerk, åeo. r.
Parker, Oity Attorney and Willi- Oo11in., Ohlef of Po1ioe in,
åttendaaoe~ ~
. lIot10n was ade by Oounoilman BallptOll that 01 tf Oouno11 do
Dot but a f1re truck, was dul7 -.eoonded by Ocnmo1l1aa.a RauleraoD,
åa4 adopted. by the following Tote: "
. It', Yeas "Iafa
" r. W. Haapton B. H. DeYarJl8J'1" .
. L. M~ Rauler8on B. 0 ~ AdalIa "
. Albert B,rka
. Up~ mot10D dul7 seconded and oarr1ed. the o~oii adjcNrned.~
" ." .
Ok.eohobe.., 'lor1da: Julf 17, 1923 ~¡ ,
" 'the 01 ty Ownoi1 of Oka.ohobe., nor1da met 1n regular e...1on
at. 7;'Jt.5 o'olook p~ .; OJ). the aboTe' date and the fo110W1~ .w. pre- .-
8_t: 'thoe. W. Oone17, Jr., Jla.70r, 60=011.. r. w. s.u.pton,. L. M..
"l11eraOl1 and Albert Børka ri th I.. P. 'letoher, 01erk, Wm. 0011ina,
Oh~ef of Po110a andQeo. F. Parker in att_danoe.
. Prea1dent DeYanaa Dot be1Dg preaent.. upon 1IO1;1OD. by Oeun011-
. . .
~ . Berta, aeoond84 by Ooa0111tan BUlptOD, Ooua011- Ba1Iler.. ....
81,ot84 Pr.a1deat Pro-t-. . .
" Minute. of .e.'tap ha1.4 Julf 5ti\ an4 July lOt.. .... Øa4 ad.
" JI1t~ W. .;: 1:1D¡ app8àrect befer.' the oouno11"'àad.'rtqu..te4 the
00911811 to a..at 1. ntttag. a Utoh Ir- aear hi. r..14eaoe em
.aa...k 8tr""~ -to 1'a110r Oreek, and. Oomto1l8aa Baaptoa waa 1aatruote4
. '0 111.,..151.... at _tte»~' . .
. '.
Mot18 '.:88 1184. 'by.Ooun01lua Ballpt_» 'àeoeacI.e4 by 008011-..
- . '. I
B.rka~ that Oity 0_4.1 -,.).. 1- 8P'e4.ft'U1.,..t~ok:"'cI.'
8..e was adopted by the follori.ng TOte:
. ...
Tea. la7.
llbet Berka
L. 11. Bauler~oD. Bone
r ~ . W. Baapton
. . .lIot1011 was. .made by OOUJloilu.n Berka" .eoO11de4 by OOUD.Oifl:Dl"
, . ~~o
BallptOJ;l." tha. " the Oi "y 'fax. Ooll8Otor be instruoted to report i11 h!!l
, .
.1,,00ð~:OO of the 1922 as.e...ent of O. D. Ol-at's store a. ~
. . . .
, . .
error"and that he be allowed to pay thetaxe. ,on 8500.00 Taluati'O11
of his .tore for the 7ear 1922" and. same was adopted by the following
. .,.ote:
T-.a . Bay8; ~o
L~ II~ Rauler8œ
Albert Berka
r. W ~ Jlallpton
On 1D0tin 1)y Ooanoi1M:a Berta" .80-484 'by Ooao1~
llaaptoa the follow1ag re.o'1\1t1- 118.8 adopte4:
a8s01",e4" that the 01 tJ' Clerk b. d1not8él1io/'8.1low a re-
o .,. .. ,
dut1on of 2~ of the priao1pal &a4 all the 1nter..t 11Ì' :I"èìIIp-
*1Oå of tax .eri1f~.a tee held b7 01 tJ' of Okeeoho'beeap,1D.t
"1aa4 on8d b,. Loü.1&1U1& Sauler_." prOT1d.8d 8&14 .eriifioat..
-are r84e.84 - or 1I»810re the 7th cia,. of .bgut 1923;
".01.,.e4 hrther" 'Qat the Olerk be 41reoted to allow 'a
reduct1on of all the 1ntere.t due OR tax .ert1ficate. held by
,the 01'" of ...etDo1teetll*1à.t land owned by Ka tt1e Walker"
I.tate" prên'1484 8&14 .ert1f1cate. ar8 r848.e4 - 01' before
t1t.~ rth ~7 of Aqat 192)
!he ",ote em roll oall .... a. foll.._:
T~ ~.
. r.. W. Ballpt-
L. 11. lauleraoa 1088
Albert Berka
. A 00ll881110a t1oa trOll JI1' ~ J ~¡ W ~ Soott r.~ 1;1.,.e to 18proT1ac
the Oit7 Puk. ..... re081...ed an4 ordered. t11.4~
Upon 80ti- 41117 ...08484 an4 oanied the 0 oano il dj..."':