1923-07-10 Special 160 Ok..o1Iobee~ nor1da~ IJul,. lO~ 192). ". . Pursuant to adjournment the 01 ty OOtm011 of Okeeohòb.è~ rlor- ida,met 1n speo1al ....1on at "'.eo o'oloôk p. .~ on the above date' ad t~e following ..ere present: .08. .~ Conely, Jr., Kayor, B. B. Detu.an~ Pre.1dent~ 0.,.-'18- Albert Berta. L. -. Ra1:l1er.OI1, r. W. BamptOl1 and B. O. Adaa8 w1th R. P. O'letoher, Clerk, Geo. r. Parker, 01ty Attorney and W1111ari Ooll1n.~ Chief of Pol1oe 1nt ått8D4aaoe~ . . lIot1On waB -.de by Oouno1lman Ballpton that Ò1 ty Oounoil do not but a fire truck, was duly seconded 'by Ooano11.maa RaulersOD, åa4 ad.opte4 by the following vote: 0 . .. , Yeas . la,.s 0 . 0 I. w. Hallpton B. H. DeYarJIaD. . L~ -~ Raulerson H. o~ AdaII. . 0 Albert Berka 0 Up.- mot10n duly, .80ODdedud carried. the o~01i ad3 cNrned. .Itt..t: . I . o' . . Oke80hob..., rlor1da: July 17, 1923;' !'h. 01 ty Ooun01l of Oke.ohebe., rlor1da .et 1n regular .e..1on at, 7::45 o'olook p; .: on the above' date and the follow1M ......e pre-" . S8Jlt: !'hoë~ w. Oonely, Jr., Jla,yer, QoU1\01lm8D r. w. Bupton,. L. -., I&l11er8- and Albert B"rka 11'1 th R. P. rletoher, Clerk, WID. Oollins, Ch~ef of Po11oe aaAGeo.'. Parter in att_daDoe. . PreB1deat D.Y8ZIIU not bems pre.ent, upon IIOt1OD. b,.' Ooun011- oj¡ , . ~ 8erka~ seoonded by Onn01111aa BUlptOD~ Ocnm011- Bauler.. W&8 81,ot84 Pr..1c1..t Pro-t-. . . . _l11ut.. of ...'bp h.14 Jul,. 5ti1 and Jul,. lOt.. ..... ßa4 ad appro'l'8d:' 0 JIr: w ~ w;¡ E1ng app8àred. 'befere the 00UDo11"àÅ4'¡:tqU..t84 the . °091L811 to .-Ht 1. n.""taB. a 41 toh Ir- aear hi8 r..148ao. oa Baa...k 8tr...-to 'a,.lor Greek, and. Ooao1l8aD Baaptoa wa. iutruoted. , 1;0 1....t18&- th. _tt8»:' . 0 . . " _.1;1_'--" -11&48 'by,OounOi1.l8aaJl8llpt_. '8e0aaü4 by 0_011- ., - '. I Berka, that 01 t,. 0_"1 .,.)ò. 1- epeecl. Weft ' g1 'I'e . t- :..4 '