0596 Police PensionORDINANCE NO. 596 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 421 OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE CODE OF ORDINANCES, PERTAINING TO RETIREMENT FOR POLICE OFFICERS OF THE CITY; AMENDING SECTION X; PROVIDING FOR REQUIREMENTS AND MANNER OF APPOINTMENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: Section X of Ordinance Number 421 of the City of Okeechobee Code of ordinances is hereby amended as follows: "Section X. ADMINISTRATION 1. The general administration and responsibility for the proper operation of the Retirement System and for making effective the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby vested in a Board of Trustees, consisting of tl~e-agar--E-er --Began rea€; earreggenel€ag--o-f-fteet-) ;-Akre-eh-ie-f -0~ -the- the taae-Firemen-e~eeteel-*---a--ata-j-Ex-t--f-- regirl,~rre~terr-e the -E€ty -ari& -erre -re!~i4errt -e€ -the -E€ty -&eei grrate& -l9y, C-&trrre€l---The- Meyee--a-rd- r13t~-e~ri-ef--sire-1-1- -setg- they, --f_fxrt-ilrtre-- t e-fro-1~-~~e~~--regpee+--ve-o gag€tiarr-as-~-* =-*_*;---Eae+l-~o-~i~em~trr•-gl~a~~-sere-Yr--true years,--tip-Less-~-eeener- 1-e±~~-emg~ay~tterrt--Sri-~Yric~r-e~errt tyre-- -gl'ta~~-~e--el~axrr-3 r-tl~e-ire- maarrer--as -t-he g- egsar- r t-~►~- --se~eeteel:----the res~~lent--~rttgtee al=ra~~-serefe-far-twa-years-anel xtay-g~ae~~= l~t€rrtse~€-€rt~€€€ee- five members, two of whom, unless otherwise prohibited by law, shall be legal residents of the City, who shall be appointed by the City Council, and two of whom shall be full-time police officers, as defined in Fla. Stat. 185.02 (1 1986), who shall be elected by a majority of the police officers who are members of this System. The fifth member shall be chosen by a majority of the previous four members as provided for herein, and such person's name shall be submitted to the City Council. Upon receipt of the fifth person's name, the City Council shall, as a ministerial duty, appoint such person to the Board of Trustees as its fifth member. The fifth member shall have the same rights as each of the other four members appointed or elected as herein provided and may succeed himself in office. Each resident shall serve as trustee for a period of two years, unless sooner replaced by the City council at whose pleasure he shall serve, and may succeed himself as a trustee. Each police officer member shall serve as trustee for a period of two years, unless he sooner leaves the employment of the City as a police officer, whereupon the City Council shall choose his successor in the same manner as an original appointment. Each police officer may succeed himself in office. The Board of Trustees shall meet at least quarterly each year. Each Board of Trustees shall be a legal entity with, in addition to other powers and responsibilities contained herein, the power to bring and defend lawsuits of every kind, nature and description. 2. 1Phe-Myer-sbeeii-ire- a-e e3 tas--o-f-ire--boeT41:--The Board of trustees shall by a majority vote elect arrc-e€-its •teml9erg--ate a chairman and a Secretary of the Board. The Secretary shall keep a complete minute book of the actions, proceedings, or hearings of the Board." SECTION TWO: This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and shall apply retroactively to October 1, 1986. Introduced and passed on first reading and public hearing as an emergency ordinance on this 7th day of July 1987. MAYOR OAKLAND R. PKAPMAN ATTEST: A/5 BONNIE THOMAS, CITY CLERK r.