1923-07-03 . 157 . to having a ðityEleotrioal Wiring Inspector appointed by the Council, and ~9t10n on same was postponed until the next reg- . -. ular meeting of the Council. \ Building permi~s were ordered issued to the following named persons: D. B. M08arthY, .0. J. Ezell, O. F. Peacock and . J. E. Lovvorn. , . Upon motion by Councilman Berka seconded by 0 ounc ilman , Raulerson, the Clerk was instructed to buy ~ water cooler for ,. t¡þ.e City Hall and 10; worth of ioe each' da.y. , Motion was made by Councilman Berka seconded by.Coùncil- man Raulerson that theOlerk be instructed to draw voucher transferring $150~00 from the I. &: S. Sewer Bond Fund No.7 Ii to the Sewer;Bond Fund No.4 to repay money borrowed from said Sewer Bond Fund to pay interest on Sewer Bonds,. Motion oarried:¡ Vouchers weer ordered issued ae follows: I &: S SEWER BOND FUND' . . . 7-5 Sewer Bond Fund Transfer of funds l50;;00 . SEWER BO1ID;)FUND 415 The E. W. Bond Company Cerltent &: lumber for sewer' .134:'00 . . UpOn ,~otion .Oounoi:l adjourned:' L.,'¡ , . Attest: ' . ~1erk:' , . . Gt..ohob.. , nor14a. July 3. '1923 ft. Oity 001llL0il of Gk..ohob... "-14& ..t at 8 o~ol"t P..~' .' . I on 'the &boY. dat. aàd th. fol1øw1D.1 W81". pre.ent: Ooao11.88a r. .. " . .... . 1IuIp~. B.' ,P. ..rl.~OherJ .0181'1< aa4 0eÒ. .. P8J:. k8r. O.1't7At1ioner. - . A Q110r8, not be1Dg pr8._1i Oouao11 adj ourn8d to ..e1i at So' olock JlI1y 5th 192J~ .. Atteat: . ,. . . .' .