0444 Millage Rate FY 1981-82ORDINANCE NO. 444 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEVYING AND COLLECTING OF TAXES FOR THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1,1981, • AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1982, AND STATING THE MILLAGE RATE LEVIED AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The city Council o6 the City o6 Okeechobee, Ftotc.ida, heAeby .Pevie,s a tax o4 $4.377 pets thousand do2tatcz valuation on aU teat and peAzonoJ. ptcopetty within the eottpotuxte Eim.its of said City, zubject to tax on the 6iAzt day o4 _lanuaty, 1981, ptcovided howeveA, that Aueh $4.377 6ha l not be tev.i..ed upon ptcopetcty in the City o6 Okeechobee ctflimed and O.towed as homestead as gtcanted undetr the Conztitution otc Gen.etcat LojArs o~ the State 6otr the 1981 tax yeak.. SECTION 2. That the City Ctenk is heAe.by ,i"ttcucted and d.itceeted to eetrtijy to the Okeechobee County P&opeAty AAsuzotr, the above and 4oAego~ ng e.numetcated miftaga to be. Zev i,ed Got aU puApo~se/s mot the yeatc 1981, in the Isa i..d City of Okeechobee., Ffotida, putusuant to the puvis,ions o6 the tawls o6 the State o~ Ftotr i.da. SECTION 3. The m,c Qtage tcate hene.in tev.Led doers not exceed the hotted back late o4 $5.184 pete cent. SECTION 4. That the. Tax Cottectotc o4 Okeechobee. County, F.P_.otu_daJ. Asha t p.~oeeed to eoteect the above taxe.6 aeeotding to the ptov-izionz of the Laws o4 the State o4 Ftotc,i,da. SECTION 5. That o6 the totaf $4.377 pets thousand do.etat va.2uation ats de-signate.d in. Section I. hetceoi, $4.25 pen. thousand do,2P_atr, va .uation shat2 be cased 6oA the GeneAaX City puh.poseA- in c.aAAy,ing on and eondueti.ng the goveAnme.nt o4 the za%d City, and $.127 pets thousand doU-aA valuation -inet.ud~ng Homestead zhaU. be used to pay -i.nteAmt and ptincipat on bonds matutr ing dut ing Isa.id Fi'sea2 yeatc, touch levy to be cot lected in ea/sh and such cash Aso eoUeeted to be kept .in aepetcate accounts 6o& the pmpoaets designated heAein. SECTION 6. That this, Otcd.i.nance ways ptcopolsed, conzidetced and adopted undetc the p&ovizion- o6 Section 166.041 (3) (b) and 200.065 FtoAi_da Statutes, and was enacted by no tedb than a 6outc-6i4UthA voteof the City Council and Isha t become e44eeti.ve upon 4.inat passage. • DONE AND RESOLVED and made e/$ective this 31,st day a6 Octab,?A 1981. 1 an W . oug Ch(UAman/Mayan City v~o Okeechobee, Ftma da ATTEST: an;u7e S. o-m City Cfe, k City a~, Okeechobee, F. oAida. 40ha-t i tei,~t 441 ~g ~