1923-06-19 Regular ..1-56 405 E. L. Conrad Lumber for sewer. 39.00 406 Clevinger's Shop Blaoksmith work &: iron 12;30 .~. 407 Gulf Refining Company ~ Gasoline for engine 2~50 40g Soharfsohwerdt Bros~' Hardware 42;50 409 Standard Boat Ways Machine work & material 35~'39 WATER FUND . . gine at pump ., 1 Gulf Refining Company Kerosene &: oil for en-/ 20;55 I &: S PAVING BOND FUND. coupons Exohange Nat. Bk. fori ~\ 5-3 Bank of Okeeohobee Commission aid Amerioan/17.g2 , I&:. S WATER WOHXS BOND FUND National Bank for bond coupons -J ~4 Bank of Okeeohobee Commission p~id Amerioan Exchan~ g.9~ I &: S SEWER BOND FUND National Bank for bond coupons . 7-4 Bank of Okeeohobee Oommision paid "fllitioan Exohang!ý 1.12 . I &: S PAVING TIME WARRANT FUND Nat. Baak for Time Warrant coupons g-2 Bank of Okeechobee Oommission paid American Exchang~ 9.5g . . I &: S WATER SEWER TIME WARRAN! FUND . Nat. Bank for Time Warrant Coupons , 9"';3 T;a,nk of Okeeoho~t!e Oommiss.ion paid Ameriqan, ~.xohanw .'7~gO . . Upon motion Oounoiladjourned. . Attest: . ~ . Okeeohobee, Florida~ June19,1923. . . The Ci~y Council of Okeeohobee, Florida met in re~~lar session at 7;30 o'clook p. m. on th~_above date and the following were . present: Thos~ W. Conely, Jr., Mayor, H. H. DeYarman, President, ,. , . Councilmen L. M. Raulerson and Albert Berka with R. P. Fletoher, Clerk, and Wm. Collins, Chief of Police in attendance. , Minutes~~f~ ~~~ng held June 5th, 1923 were read and approv- ed. , . .. ~. Messrs W. E. Underhill and W. É. Holmes appèare4 before the . ". . Council and requested Council to have thelouth end of parr'ot , . Avenue within the city limits grubbed to the street ~ine and .. . Second Street opened up, and action on same was postpon~d for ", further investigation. . . ti Mr. T. A. Sizemore the Council relative . 1~ . to having a ðity.Eleotrioal Wiring Inspeotor appointed by the Council, and a~tion Q1'l same was postponed until the next reg- , .. ular meeting of the Council. \ Building permi~s were ordered issu~d to the following named persons: D. B. M08arthY, .0. J. Ezell, O. F. Peacock and. ~ J. E. Lovvorn. . Upon motion by Councilman Berka seoonde4 by Oounoil~ Raulerson, the Clerk was instructed to buy a water cooler for . ~e City Hall and lOt worth of ioe each'd~y., Motion was made by Councilman Berka seconded by.Council- man Raulerson that theOlerk be instructed to draw voucher . , f transferring .150~OO from the I. &: S. Sewer Bond Fund N°.7 / to the Sewer;Bond Fund No.4 to repay money borrowed from said Sewer Bond Fund to pay interest on Sewer Bonds. Motion carried:: Vouchers weer ordered issued ae follows: I&:8 SEWER BOND FUND' . . . 7-5 Sewer Bond Fund Transfer of funds 150;00 . SEWER BO!D;)FUND 415 The E. W. Bond Company Oerllent &: lumber for sewer' .134;'00 . ., . UpOn .n1otion .Oouno~:l. adjourned. ,<; 1 . )hfv~ . Attest: ~ "PrëSIden" y ouna ::-.. ()f1 y Clerk;' . . . - Ok.eohobee , nor1c1a, J\Ily 3,1923 'l11e Oity Ooa01l of Okeeohobee, _1da .et at 8 o~oloot P..~ .. . I on the aboye date a:zid. the following were pre.ent: Oouao1laan r. w. .', ... . Jlupt8. B,' P. '"let,.Oh,' er, , 0181'k e:a4 0e0. ". Par, ker, 01tyAttoraer. . . A qaorua.l1ot being pre._t Oouaol1 adjourned to .eet at ð o'olook July 5th 1923 ~ .. Atte.t: . . . . . '.