1923-04-17 Regular :14"8 Okeechobee, Florida, April 17, 1923. - The City Council of Okeechobee, Florida met in reguiar .. ses~on at g o'clock p~ m. on the above date and the following were present: Thos. W. Conely, Jr., Mayor, H. H. DeYarman,Pres- ident, Councilmen Albért Berka, H. O. Adams, F. W. Hampt~n and L: U. Raulerson with R. P. Fletoher, Clerk and ðeo. F. Parker, . City Attorney in attendance. Minutes of meeting held April 3rd were read and approved. :Mr. Ed Soharfschwerdt requested the O~oil to have Seventh Street in front of his garage fixed so that oars can ,pass from garage to the street, and same was, referred to the Street Com- mittee. Upon motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman H~ton and duly carried, the Council agreed to furnish 'sewer pipe to lay a sewer line to the County Jail, provided the County will furnish the labor to lay said line. Said line to be laid under the supervision of the Oi ty Council~' . Upon motion by Councilman Berka, seoondedby Councilman Adams and carried, the Clerk was instructed to write the General Manager of the Florida Eas~ Coast Railway Company and reguest .' 'that the Sunday train be continued and not taken off. . On motion of Ooncilman Hampton, seconded by Councilman Adams the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved that the City Attorney is hereby directed to pre- pare the necessary acts and present them to Hon. D. R. MoNeill.. ,Representative in the Legislature, for passage, amending the City Charter, Section~, changing the presentOity bounqaries to include the following territory, by adding the same to the present City boundaries: Beginning at South-west corner Govern- ment Lot g, Section 22, Township 37 South, Range 35 East, Run - East to South-east ~orner of said lot, thence Notth to North- east corner Section 15, thence West to present City limits. Resolved further that the Clerk send a copy of this resolu- tion to Hon. D. R. McNeill, Tallahassee, Fla., and that he ren- der.all assistance necessary to the speedy passage of said amend- men t . . , Roll Call Yea Nay H. H. DeYarman Albert Berka' .149 F. W. Hamptoa H. C. Adams. .- Upon motion duly seconded and. carried the Council gave Mr. . X. B. Eldon the old City -rail, provided he removes alllumb,r'UI1fit for use off the lot. . . Upon motion the OO'UIlcil adjourned~ 1:. . . ... / I-H-v (. Attest: rf~ President ity Oounoi . ~ r{t y'Olerk. Okeechobee, Florida, April 19, 1923. Pursuant to cáll of the Kayor, the City Council of Okeechobee, Florida met in special session at 3 Q'clock p. m. on the above date and the following were present: Thos. W. Conely, Jr., Ma~or, H. H. DeYar~, President, Councilmen L. M. Raulerson and H. C. Adams with R. P. Fletcher, City Clerk in attendance. ~ motion of Councilman H. C. Adams seconded by Councilman L. M. Raulerson the following resolution was !ntròddced and adopted by a unanimous vote of the members present: RESOLVEIJ . . That whereas, the Florida East Coast Railway Company has made application to the City Council that they wish to extend their line of railroad from here south to Miami and that it is very necessary tha~ they cross certain streets of the City of Okeechobee hereinafter named ~ith their tracks, to enable them to pass through the City and that they wish permission from the City to cross the followìfg streets with their said ~racks: North Curve Street from poimt of right of way'of the Florida East Coast Railro~d to inter- section of South Park ~d Cherokee Streets and Hancock Street south of Banth Park Street. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida that permission is hereby given-the Florid~ East Coast Railroad Company the right to cross with their tracks and maintain the same after constructed the follQwing named streets: North Curve Street from point of right-of -way of the Florida East Coast Railroad to' inters8ction of Sout1J. Park ~d 9þerokee , Streets, and Hancock Street south of North ~k Street and in making the e~tension of their line the 01~y ofOkeeOhobee